Members of the GSHPA

All members of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association are required to sign up to its Code of Ethical Practice.

This page lists the members of the GSHP Association which are Trade Associations.

See other pages for the following:

Trade Associations

Click on names to link to websites

British Drilling Association Ltd

Wayside, London End, Upper Boddington, Daventry NN11 6DP
01327 264622
Richard Fielden

The BDA is the trade association for the UK ground drilling industry. BDA was founded in 1976 to represent the interests of over 110 companies from manufacturing, supply and contracting. BDA is: "Committed to excellence in health and safety; quality of workmanship and technical standards for the benefit of the drilling industry and its clients."

Heat Pump Association

2 Waltham Court, Milley Lane, Hare Hatch, Reading RG10 9TH
0118 940 3416
Tony Bowen
Manufacturers' Association

GSHPA is itself also a member of the following associations

European Heat Pump Association

Rue d'Arlon 63-67, 1040 Brussels
+32 2 400 10 17
The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) represents the majority of the European heat pump industry. Its members comprise of heat pump and component manufacturers, research institutes, universities, testing labs and energy agencies. Its key goal is to promote awareness and proper deployment of heat pump technology in the European market for residential, commercial and industrial applications. EHPA aims to provide technical and economic input to European, national and local authorities in legislative, regulatory and energy efficiency matters. All activities are aimed at overcoming market barriers and dissemination of information in order to speed up market development of heat pumps for heating, cooling and hot water production.

European Geothermal Energy Council

2 Place du Champ de Mars, 5eme etage, 1050 Brussels
+32 2 318 40 61
Philippe Dumas
The EGEC is an international non-profit organisation founded in 1998 and based in the heart of Brussels. The role of EGEC is to promote members' interests, making sure they develop and thrive. It ecourages the development of the European geothermal industry, whether shaping policy, improving business conditions, or driving research and development.