BEIS Select Committee urges Action from Andrea Leadsom

Rachel Reeves, Chair of the BEIS Select Committee, has written to the new Secretary of State for BEIS to press for action on a series of policy fronts such as electric vehicles, carbon capture and energy efficiency, in order to meet the net-zero target. She is calling for stronger BEIS-Treasury collaboration to ensure that Treasury's Net Zero funding review considers not only the costs, but also the benefits, of delivering the new target.

She has set out a number of recommendations for the Government:

Rachel Reeves, Chair of the BEIS Select Committee said:

The BEIS Committee recently joined with five other select committees of the House of Commons (Environmental Audit; Housing, Communities and Local Government; Science and Technology; Transport; and Treasury) to announce plans to hold a Citizens' Assembly on combatting climate change and achieving the pathway to net zero carbon emissions.

Priorities for Combating Climate Change

The GSHPA believes Andrea Leadsom should focus on the Decarbonisation of Heat in order for the UK to meet its declared target of Net Zero by 2050.

The only current practical and affordable route to the decarbonisation of heating and cooling is to invest in heat pumps. Heat pumps issue no CO2 on site and no NO2 either. The electricity they use is already being decarbonised fast as the Grid decarbonises.

It is now time to focus on the decarbonisation of heating and cooling.



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