BGS GSHP GeoReports

The British Geological Survey (BGS) provides two detailed GSHP GeoReports to help with the sizing of a ground source heating and cooling arrays. These reports are intended to support the specification of vertical borehole drills by providing a description of the geological sequence beneath a given site, along with the expected temperatures down to 200 metres:

Both reports have the option for an additional module on the engineering geology and drilling considerations to be expected. The BGS data in the reports still requires interpretation by experienced designers, but the improved level of detailed information is provided to help the designer to achieve the desired result with a higher degree of confidence.

The BGS and GSHPA are confident that this service will contribute to growth in ground source energy installations whilst providing the building blocks required to ensure that efficiency standards can be maintained in support of the UK's progress towards Net Zero carbon emissions.

The BGS will no longer provide the basic version of its Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) GeoReport.


Please consult GSHPA members if you would like help to realise your plans.


See Renewable Heating          See Renewable Cooling