Fossil fuel heating scrappage scheme
proposed by Eon

19 September 2019

Michael Lewis, UK chief executive of Eon, has backed The Times's campaign to end the sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2030 to help to tackle air pollution by driving the switch to electric. He said the government needed to adopt the earlier deadline "soon" as well as improving energy efficiency and low-carbon heating policies to show that it was serious about meeting the 2050 Net Zero emissions climate change target.

Electrification of heating and transport

Eon hopes to benefit from the push for greener energy and cleaner air by offering new products and services to its customers, focused on energy efficiency, smart technology and the electrification of heating and transport.

In May The Times launched its Clean Air for All campaign calling for a series of policies including banning the sales of new diesel and petrol cars from 2030, rather than the government's 2040 deadline.

Mr Lewis, whose company is launching its own campaign to raise awareness about the need to tackle air pollution, said that the earlier deadline was necessary "to really drive the industry, the supply chain and make people start thinking seriously about their next vehicle being electric".

He also called for central government to develop a nationally co-ordinated programme for the installation of electric vehicle chargers so we know exactly where the demand is likely to be, how many charging points we are likely to need, so that by 2030 there are sufficient charging points.

At present chargers are being installed by individuals in their homes, by companies in supermarket car parks, or by local authorities on an ad hoc basis based on what they think is required. "The danger is you get underbuild, and anxiety for people who don't want to buy electric vehicles because they are uncertain about where they can charge them."

Eon also called for other measures including a new drive for energy efficiency and low-carbon heating in homes, possibly promoted by discounts on stamp duty or council tax.

Fossil fuel heating scrappage scheme

Eon has also proposed a "fossil fuel heating scrappage scheme" to encourage a move from gas boilers to electric heat pumps and is calling for the budget for the government's main energy efficiency scheme, Eco, to be increased to £2 billion from £640 million a year.



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