Heat Pumps and Demand Side Management:
Collaboration and Opportunities for Smart Grid Integration
Wednesday 7 November 2018
The Building Centre, 26 Store Street

This one day seminar aimed to build industry collaboration as conditions for significant heat pump uptake improve.

Gathering the heat pump industry, manufacturers and installers, and the electricity supply sector will enhance the understanding between demand and supply. Presentations aimed to reassure generators and distributors that the heat pump sector knows how to minimise its impact on the grid. We gave the supply industry the opportunity to set out its requirements to manage the loads, whilst simultaneously accommodating the demand for extensive electric vehicle charging.

DSM Seminar

Smart heat pump controls and grid connection optimisation have the potential to reduce peak loads and to contribute to the complexities of grid balancing in an increasingly electrical future.

Contributions came from the Energy Network Association, who explained the new "Connect & Notify" initiatives, and from both the heat pump industry and the electricity supply chain.

We heard from those looking to build the Smart Grid and controls environment that will carry heat pump deployment through the next decade and deliver reduced carbon emissions, help to meeting Carbon Budgets and air-quality improvement.

The seminar was aimed at DNOs and the electricity supply chain, heat pump manufacturers & distributors, heat pump installers, third party controls specialists, and those with an interest in Smart Grids and the potential for Demand Side Management and Demand Side Response in relation to heat pumps.

You can see copies of the presentations if you click on the titles below in blue.


Heat pump industry background & market update       Bean Beanland, GSHPA
Robin Curtis, GSHPA
Future Energy Scenarios and Heat Usman Bagudu, National Grid
Kein-Arn Ong, National Grid
New Processes for connecting Heat Pumps & Electric Vehicles        Randolph Brazier, ENA
Stewart Reid, SSEN
Time-of-day tariffs and the implications Phil Steele,
Octopus Energy
Creating a consumer driven energy market
Cliff Arnold,
Panel Discussions Moderated by Shivali Mathur,