Ground Source Heat Pump Association


GSHPA is exhibiting at Ecobuild 2013   ExCel London
7 March 2013

The GSHPA will be at Ecobuild on 5 to 7 March to explain how ground source energy can help you address the key issue of combating global warming in a practical way that is in tune with the natural environment.

Protecting and enhancing the environment sits at the heart of sustainability. With the growing awareness that the built environment accounts for nearly half of the UK’s CO2 emissions; innovative, green solutions for designing, constructing and using buildings are in urgent demand.

GSHPA members have also been asked to speak at the main seminar on ground source energy at Ecobuild:

Green Energy Seminar – Thursday 7 March 2013 – 10.30-12.00

Specifying ground source heat pumps

From initial geological survey and design through thermal modelling to installation, this session delivers best practice pointers for specifying and installing ground source heat pumps.

It also includes case studies of successful GSHP projects at different scales.


Specifying ground source heat pumps
David Matthews
Chief Executive
Georeporting and specification John Findlay
Renewable Energy Consultant
Carbon Zero Consulting
Social housing case study – Yeovil:
Installing 200 GSHPs in 90 days
John Barker-Brown
Special Project Manager
Interseasonal Heat Transfer – case study
Integrating solar collection and Ground Source Heating                
Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage
Edward Thompson


You can register for free tickets to visit Ecobuild 2013.

We look forward to seeing you at Ecobuild in 2013.
Ask about Ground Source Energy on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday on the following stands:

North 2922
Altecnic North 2235
Danfoss North 3310
Econergy North 3720
REHAU Ltd                                                                                      North 2131
Sentinel North 2235