Ground Source Heat Pump Association


GSHPA response to Domestic RHI Consultation


GSHPA has responded to the Domestic RHI Consultation: Renewable Heat Incentive: domestic scheme.

See GSHPA Response to Domestic RHI Consultation.


DECC plans to introduced RHI for domestic properties three years after DECC introduced very favourable rates for FiTs for PhotoVoltaic installations. DECC urgently needs to publish and support realistic balanced RHI tariffs that reflect the costs of installation of the different renewable heat technologies and the carbon saving potential of those technologies.

We call upon DECC to understand the potential for GSHPs and to support the recycling of solar energy as an efficient means of combating climate change.


Please see the full GSHPA Response to Domestic RHI Consultation.


Please also see Ten reasons why DECC should support Ground Source Energy.